Repeater Etiquette Expanded

Much of what is stated here is commonly used procedures. Many of them are based on the FCC Part 97 rules that govern amateur radio, while others are based on long used procedures. They all have one thing in common, a basis in courtesy. So, if it seems there are a lot of things to remember, relax. If you do your best to be courteous to those with whom you share the repeater, most of these practices will naturally fall into place.



Calling Other Stations

Checking in to a Net

Signal Reports



Forbidden Topics

Hostile Behavior

Business Use


Abuse and Misuse

Incidental Music

The American Legion Post 408 Amateur Radio Club (ALARC) enhances community resilience through dedicated amateur radio operations. We provide emergency communication, storm spotting, and community support in collaboration with R.A.C.E.S. - , American Legion, Amateur Radio, ALARC, K0AML, Derby Kansas, emergency communication, storm spotting, SKYWARN, R.A.C.E.S., community support, emergency preparedness, amateur radio club, Post 408,